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No Gold yet

Published by Andrew Esping under on Thursday, February 08, 2007
A couple of weeks ago the sewage company called to let us know it was time to pump out our septic tank. Our septic tank is buried in our front lawn and it fell to me to dig it out. We mark the lid to the septic tank with a flower bed and that way we don't have to dig up the whole yard. I will admit digging up the septic tank isn't my favorite thing to do in world ( if you can find some one who enjoys doing that he might need a psychiatrist). I can think of many things I'd rather do, but I have to remember that work is a gift given to us by God. God gave Adam and Eve the garden of Eden to work, tend and to make manifest the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ.
My Dad and I do alot of different work together. We have a good time and have great discussions while we work. Working gives me time to build a relationship with whoever I am working with and I really enjoy that. Most people rush through work and don't give it a second thought, to those people life doesn't have much meaning. True Christians work not just to get it done and move on but to praise the Lord for what he has given us.
I hope that more people can see that work is not a burden but a gift, and without that gift there wouldn't much to life.

My Sister & The Superbowl

Published by Andrew Esping under on Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I think my sister is the only person I know who predicts the outcome of professional sports games by what the name of the teams. Like Last year she said that it made since that the Steelers would win the Superbowl instead of the Sea Hawks because a Steeler could win a fight against a Sea hawk. This year she said that a Bear could destroy a Colt so she said the Bears would take the victory. Fortunately this time she was wrong but hey, even my sister can be wrong sometimes =D.
For the first time in nine years my the team I was rooting for won the Superbowl. I'm like a jinx or something. I bet it will be another nine years before my team wins again. Oh well you can't win them all, especially if your me =).
I went over to my friends house for a Superbowl party. I don't think I'll ever recover from all that good food: Pizza, Pita Bread, Snack Mix, Chips and dip and Banana Bars. Man, I wish the Superbowl would come more often. I could get used to all that food! Well I hope you had a wonderful Superbowl and May the Colts rock on!!!!!!!!

A Mother's Love

Published by Andrew Esping under on Saturday, February 03, 2007
My Mom is a very important person in my life. I mean without her could you imagine all the trouble I'd get into.
My Mom is my Nannie and school teacher my "OWTCO" that is "Official Wound Taker Care Of." Mom has a special care for people, even those who she doesn't know. She seems to understand every situation. She is always doing extra things for people when they are sick or in a sham. Everyone that meets my Mother immediately knows this is a lady with a BIG HEART. She has played a big part in raising me and has great expectations for me. Need a multi-tasker????? MY MOM IS ON THE JOB. There is nothing she can't do. Clean up the house, prepare supper, yak on the phone for hours, send e-mails forever, do some crocheting, go to town to pick up some groceries and do some shopping, and then act as if she has spent all day reading a book by our cozy fire. If only I had the determination that she has, I will tell you she never leaves a job in-complete not to mention she will do it with the up most cheer and not do it half way. Every day as I watch her I have a harder time realizing that she is not still in her 20's!!! I bet if a scientist did a research on my Mom he would find enough energy to support a Cheetah for a week!!!!!! My Mom has helped me so much through my life that it is a shame that most kids don't have a mother like mine. GOD BLESS MY MOTHER!!!!!!!!

My Father

Published by Andrew Esping under on Saturday, February 03, 2007
My Father has always had a special love for flying. When I was only seven days old I went for my first flight (one of these I'm going to solo =). When we lived in Aurora our family went flying quite a bit. I will never forgot the planes that we flew. Even though one was a Cutlass and the other a Sky hawk I referred to them as the "Blue Plane" and the "Gold Air plane".
My Father has also always been a #1 FATHER!!!!!! When I was younger he always took time to play with me, and now we work together, do a bible study together and even play golf together (but if you ask him the score don't believe any thing he says) =D.
My Father also has a special relationship with the Lord. It is easy to see this, he shines like the sun on a July afternoon. He sometimes even gives me lectures when we do our bible study or tabletalk. He has even taught me some thermal dynamics (even though I don't have a clue what they mean). He is always there to give some advice or pitch in and help. Always willing to do what he can to help the community. Always reminding me that Antoly Karpov has never beat him in chess (he will not mention that he has never played him, he says that's not the point). Sometimes walking up to me and says "Have you picked up your hat lately?" right before he knocks it off.
My Father has all the qualities that I want in my life. He has never disappointed me, he even once brought my lunch that I had forgotten to pre-school for me! He has always pointed me in the right direction when I wronged. As you can see I respect my Father tremendously and this respect only grows with every minute I spend with him.
I thank the Lord so much for a Father like mine!!!!!!!

Farm Boy or City Slicker

Published by Andrew Esping under on Saturday, February 03, 2007
As I mentioned in my profile I was born in the big city. Yes I was born in Denver Colorado and spent the first five years of my life in Aurora, a suburb of Denver. My Father was a pilot for "United Airlines" and my Mother worked for a home health care agencey. I will go into more detail about my parents later. My Dad's dream was to get out of Aurora and move to the family farm in central Kansas where my Dad had spent his childhood summers with his Grandma. When my Dad got an opportunity to get a job out of Wichita with "Cessna Aircraft" he jumped at the chance. God (as always) was watching out for us for a few years after we moved to Kansas "United Airlines" went bankrupt. It was May of 1998 when we moved to Kansas and my Dad's dream came true. We moved into the old farm house and got settled. We lived in the house until August of 1999. My parents had made the decision to completely redo the farm house. At first they had thought they would have the whole thing torn down and start from fresh. Fortunately, there were too many memories made in that house to do such a thing, so my parents got a contractor and we went to work to do a major make over. When we began to rebuild to house in 1999 I wasn't much help, in fact I was only six at the time. I got more in the way than did any help, I even fell through the place where the chimney had been! In February of 2000 we moved in our redone house. While the construction went on we needed a place to stay and my Grandparents opened their house to us. Again we saw the sovereign hand of God watching out for us.
We still live comfortably on our farm. My Father still works for Cessna where the Lord has blessed him with good co-workers and a boss who is a christian. My Mother is now a stay at home Mom and makes sure my sister and I stay out of mischief =S. I am so glad that I am being raised on a farm where things are always so peaceful even if the interstate is only one half a mile away =D. Being home schooled in the country gives me a feeling of being away from the rat race and a sense of comfort. I thank the Lord that he saw fit to have me in the country where I can be free, get an #1 education from my parents, learn to work hard and appreciate all the Lord has done for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!