Sola Scriptura vs. Fallibility of Scripture
Published by Andrew Esping under on Saturday, November 17, 2007Hello again. I thought I better had get this straight before I go any farther in my posts on the five points of Calvinism.
The Bible is THE most important book in the entire world, I'm sure most Christians would agree with me on that. But saying that it is infallible seems to upset many today. Some people actually think we could live the christian life without THE SCRIPTURES! I hope to show you that without the Scriptures we would be preached in-correct doctrine, we would be entirely lost in our christian walk, and that without the Bible our picture of God would be entirely heretical.
Lets start at my first point, the fact we would be preached in-correct doctrine, and from there we will progress. Have you ever played telephone? A group of people form a circle and sit down. The leader whispers something in the ear of the person next to him/her and that person whispers what he/she heard into the ear of the next person and so on and so on. Once the phrase has passed all around the circle the last person says what she heard. As you can imagine, what the final person says is not usually what the real phrase started out to be. It is the same with Christians, if we had no Scripture and just had to remember all the things that are written in the Scriptures, we would have a Bible full of heresy and very miss-leading. Scripture tells us the full character of God, it shows us how holy He is, and how un-deserving we are. Without it we would have a God that is in no way like our God. Graciously, He gave us the book that He wrote through great men of the faith. He gave it to us so that we would study it and keep God's statutes and be more conformed to His image, to basically fulfill our duty as humans to GLORIFY God and enjoy Him forever. Unfortunately, in America especially, we have neglected our duty and have not studied God's holy word. We put our Bibles on our cozy room table's so people can see what great people we are, that we own a Bible. We take it to church and then bring it back and set it on the table again and we don't touch it tell next Sunday. I know that's what I did for the first 11 years of my life. Not realising what a great gift it is, in-fact taking it for granite that what I hold in my hand is The Actual Word of God! Even now I still take it for granite, not realising what life would be like without it. OK back to my main point, lets take the people who deny the Infallibility of Scripture. How do they know anything written in God's word is for certain? Can you imagine the un-certainty they must have. How can they be sure which parts are correct, and which parts are not? They them-selves have to decide. So basically, we have fallen humans deciding which part's of the Bible is God's word and which isn't! That make no sense what so ever! Fallen man deciding whats infallible? Sorry for those fragmented sentences, as you have probably seen my grammar is very poor. Next what about the way they defend their faith. I have debated Reformed theology with a few people who denied the Infallibility of Scripture, its a nightmare. Whenever I used a Scripture verse to support my view they would deny it and then turn around and give a Scripture verse that seemed to support their view. When I asked how they could be sure that the verse they used was infallible and mine was not the answered "Because it easy to see that your view is wrong so any verse supporting your view must be in-correct." So they can basically declare what is wrong and what is right and then turn around and tell me that their way is the only true way and I need to repent. Being very blunt, they speak for God. Another world view of the Bible is this idea; "This verse may speak to you in a different way but it speaks to me in this way so lets compromise." Theology should never ever be compromised, its basically trying to have peace, over having a correct view of God, which is more important, God or man? Those who claim that the Spirit reveals Scripture in a different way to different people basically are saying all views of Christianity are correct. Also that God is willing to submit to any view of any human. I hope that we can all agree that there is one Correct view of God, how do we find that view? Study the Scriptures. I think the idea that part of Scripture being fallible simply came from man finding out that his theology didn't fit with Scripture, so they molded it into the form that did. That meant throwing some of it away. But like I said it doesn't make sense for man to decide whats infallible, not to mention twisting God's words. There is one more view that I want to address before I close, the idea that the Old Testament is irrelevant, and that the New Testament is all that matters. Here is what one who believes this would most likely say, or at least the ones whom I have encountered have said; "The Old Testament has wonderful true stories, but since it was under the Old Covenant all the laws, except those specifically mentioned in the New Testament, are now irrelevant." Pretty ridiculous isn't it, yes the Old Covenant is no longer in act, but that's not what decides what laws are relevant and which are not. Anything that is contrary to God's nature is sin. I had one person go as so far as to tell me that since it is not SPECIFICALLY mentioned as a no no in the New Testament homosexuality is not a sin and OK with God. Clearly this view leads to many stumbling blocks.
In closing here is a great verse that affirms Sola Scriptura 2 Timothy 3:16
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, -2 Tim 3:16
And here are some others:
4For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. -Romans 15:4
20knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. 21For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. -2 Pet 1:20-21
May God add His blessing to His word! If you have any questions or objections contact me at May God Bless You!
Amos 8:11-12 – "'Behold, days are coming,' declares the Lord God,
'When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather for hearing the words of the Lord.
And people will stagger from sea to sea,
And from the north even to the east;
They will go to and fro to seek the word of the Lord,
But they will not find it.'"
There is famine in the land of America. It is a famine in "hearing the word of God". Americans are searching for preachers that will "tickle their ears" with stories, but not the truth of God's word. I pray that God would humble us and that we would again "tremble" at His word.
Solus Christus,
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